by tonyleto | Jun 26, 2020 | news, video
Dedication for Mater Christi’s Dedication Barry Fitzgerald was a traffic correspondent for Herb Oscar Anderson of WABC-AM. He requested this dedication for Mater Christi’s...
by tonyleto | Jun 20, 2020 | news
Don’t Go To Mater Christi H.S. Unless . . . This article appeared in the October 15, 1970 issue of “The Tablet”, the newspaper for the Diocese of Brooklyn. It points out the image problem the school was having at that...
by tonyleto | Jun 19, 2020 | news
River Crest Sanitarium Before there was a Mater Christi. the Rivercrest Sanitarium operated on what would become the school grounds. The old entrance ramp to Rivercrest is still in place on Ditmars Blvd. River Crest Sanitarium was a New York State licensed mental...
by tonyleto | Jun 19, 2020 | news
Long Journey Home By Patrice O’ShaughnessySTAFF WRITER , NEWSDAYDecember 15, 2000 The oil painting of Christ was “dark and kind of depressing,” but the gold frame around it was beautiful, so when Sister Mary Rosaire received it as a gift from her school’s principal in...